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Kako je izveštavao RTS o studentskom protestu u NS: Pogledajte priloge zbog kojih je SNS zapretio državnoj televiziji

Srpska napredna stranka osudila je u zvaničnom saopštenju izveštavanju izveštavanje Radio-televizije Srbije o velikom protestu koji je juče održan u Novom Sadu. Očigledno se naprednjacima nije svidelo što prva vest na Javnom servisu nije bio predsednik Aleksandar Vučić i to što se u [...]

The main conceptual idea of the article is: SNS (Serbian Progressive Party) exerted pressure and criticized Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS) for their coverage of the student protest in Novi Sad. SNS took issue with the way RTS presented the protest, particularly that it did not prominently feature President Vučić and included footage of banners criticizing him. They accused RTS of violating journalistic ethics by not being objective and impartial, suggesting the media outlet was taking sides against them. Journalists' unions (UNSS and NUNS) condemned the pressure and defended RTS, arguing that they professionally covered the event objectively. Essentially, the article highlights a clash between the government party and public media over the portrayal of a political event.

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ID: 24217273
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